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Wix portfolio website examples
Design ideas to inspire you

Your portfolio website design is your way to showcase your brand. Get even more ideas from these incredible portfolio examples.

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Examples of wix Portfolio website templates

Get more portfolio website ideas from the Wix Blog

Best portfolio websites

Best portfolio websites

Check out this diverse selection of top portfolio website design ideas, all built on Wix. Inspire your own website creation by seeing how real professionals are showcasing their work.

20 portfolio website examples

20 portfolio website examples

Learn how creating a strong portfolio online is the most effective way to exhibit the complete span of your artwork to audiences, who might include curators and potential art collectors.

8 industrial design portfolios

8 industrial design portfolios

Use these online portfolio examples to draw inspiration for creating your own impressive portfolio that will attract new clients and potential employers.


How can I make my portfolio website stand out?

When creating your portfolio website, keep in mind that you are not just creating a site, you’re showcasing who you are, as a professional and as a person. That’s why exploring portfolio website examples and seeing different kinds of portfolio designs is so crucial. To be able to stand out online you need to distinguish yourself from everyone else, show off who you are and explain how your work is different. A great place to start is by searching for portfolio website inspiration and incorporating pieces you like to your own site. You’ll see that in well designed portfolios the creators will have clear navigation, the portfolio will be user-centric and they will really let their work do the talking. You’ll also see that in online portfolio examples, creators will use the design itself to show off their personality. Also remember, a strong portfolio will usually show off projects with the best results, and don’t be afraid to share your process with visitors, it will make you seem more approachable and appealing.

Why is good design so important for portfolio websites?

Your portfolio website’s design can have a lot of impact on its success. Creating a strong portfolio design gives you an opportunity to set yourself apart from others, build credibility and trust with your audience and allows you to leave a lasting impression. Pro tip: when designing your portfolio site, keep performance in mind to give your viewers a great user experience.

What design trends work best for portfolio websites?

If you look for examples of graphic design portfolios, you’ll see that many of the best designed ones have a lot of common factors. Most of them will have a homepage bio as a strong start, to give visitors a good sense of who they are. Many of these portfolio examples also have a lot of interactivity, unusual design patterns, bold typography and a very minimalistic aesthetic. If you want to create or improve your portfolio website, and need design ideas or inspiration, you can always search for examples of portfolio websites and of course, check out the Wix Blog for more ideas and tips for making your site stand out.

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